Mitch Hammond

Name:              Mitch Hammond (Australia)

Year:                C3 College Leadership & Ministry ’08-10

Bio:                  Mitch has been on team at C3 SYD for many years in both pastoral and creative capacities. He has also worked for a number of Christian organisations including YouVersion and International Justice Mission. Mitch is a movie lover, coffee drinker and Chelsea FC supporter. He is married to Bek and they have a 2-year-old daughter, Rowie.


No doubt, leadership is one of the most talked about (and written about) topics in the world. As Christian leaders though, our biggest challenge is in making sure our leadership is modelled first and foremost on the wisdom of Christ rather than the wisdom of the world.

Over the last decade I have had too many roles to count, often with varying degrees of influence, authority, and responsibility. This is a similar story for many in ministry. One thing I have learnt through this journey is that leadership has nothing to do with being THE leader. We can lead from any seat because we can serve from any seat.

Christian leadership is about service.

It’s making decisions for the good of the world around us rather than the good of our own world. 

It’s about valuing the collective goal more than our individual role.

It’s “not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Phil. 2:4 NIV)

It’s remembering that “strength is for service, not status.” (Rom. 15:1-2 MSG)

It’s a thousand daily deaths to self.

This kind of leadership is present all through scripture, it’s a catalytic style of leadership that champions others in both word and deed. It’s what Aaron and Hur were to Moses. It’s what Jonathan was to David. It’s what John the Baptist was to Jesus. 

This kind of leadership can be accomplished no matter your title or talent, but it will not be sustainable without a sure and steady connection to Christ. If we aren’t secure in our identity in Christ, living and leading like Him will be impossible. This is what I loved most about my time at C3 College, beneath all the practical training and theological depth is a priority on the spiritual health of every student.

C3 College