Clarance Sashi


I spent a year at the C3 Bible College primarily for the purpose of learning the culture and bringing it back to our church in Malaysia who had just joined the movement. That was in 2009.

Today my wife and I are the Church Planters and Senior Pastors of Destiny C3 Church, which is now a network of 7 churches, 4 in Malaysia, 2 in India and 1 in the Philippines. We also run a UNHCR recognized refugee school called the Destiny C3 Education Centre, which provides wholesome education opportunities to over a hundred refugee children stuck in Malaysia.

I can clearly say that we would not be doing what we are doing today if we didn’t take that step of faith to go to Sydney and attend C3 Bible College.

To say that the one year there was life-transforming would not be an exaggeration. What God did through that year, through the teaching and ministry we were exposed to, through the friendships gained, set the framework and foundation for what God was going to do through us over the next 12 years.

Needless to say, the pursuit of the calling brings with it the challenges of the calling. These challenges for us came in many forms. We were challenged in the area of relationships, finances, we were challenged in the area of faith, there were sleepless nights wondering if we made the right decisions, but as we look back we thank God for His Faithfulness and how He led us through each season and assured and strengthened us along the way in many forms. We thank God for the foundations He established through that year at college, for the prophecies that we received while at college, Prophecies that we often go back to and listen to remind us that this journey has been mapped out by God long before we began it, and He will finish the good work that He began. We thank God for the friends who still pray for us, friends whom we can call and chat with at any point, friends who are many times used by God to speak into our lives.

That one decision, that one year, 2009, permanently changed our lives in a way that nothing else could and the benefits of that one year are still affecting us today and overflowing into the lives of many others at Destiny C3.

Clarance Sashi

C3 College