Heather Hetzendorfer

Name:              Heather Hetzendorfer

Year:                C3 College Leadership 2011

Bio:                  Born and raised in Florida (near Miami) now rooted in the OC, California. I studied Leadership and graduated from C3 in December of 2011. Worked for the College 2012-2013. It’s important to note that Sydney has the best Flat Whites in the world. Don’t take them for granted.


I was at the peak of my business career in 2008 when I suddenly started to feel a gentle nudge that felt like the Lord was calling me somewhere new and wildly different.  It took another year and a half of praying daily on my knees trying to discern what this shift was and why I couldn’t stay succeeding happily where I was.   After meeting a C3 Church Healing Evangelist visiting California, I knew that was what was next for me - I wanted to leave everything and intern for them.  I applied at C3 College, honestly only for the visa, because I already had my BA and had no desire to study - I arrogantly thought I had it all figured out.  So, in July 2009, I confidently gave a 6-month notice to my 12-year career and was on a plane to Sydney, C3 College in January 2010 with my pallet of clothes and my pride.  

The first 100 days were a humbling journey starting all over with no friends, no career, no title, and, oh, also being 33 with botox surrounded by 20-year-old youngins. The Lord knew I needed to be 7,500 miles away from home in order to not run away from the pride surgery he needed to do on me while I was at the College.  In my desperation, as I drew near to Him, I suddenly realized the reason I was in Sydney was to find Him, to encounter His presence.  It wasn’t an accident I listed the College just for my Visa, it was God-ordained. I always knew about Him, as I was raised in a Christian home and in a Pentecostal church all my life, but I had never encountered Him.  EVERY lecturer, every class, every Sunday service were not just normal every day gatherings to learn or worship.  Each day a spiritual shift took place in me.  I remember having wild Holy Spirit moments where I could feel Him depositing something new in me in the middle of a classic lecture!  My student peers were God appointed to bring unplanned, random prophetic words; they taught me how to laugh again, and also very much irritate, causing something ugly to come up the Lord wanted me to deal with.  Every class you could guarantee one of those moments would happen!  It was the experience of a lifetime.  After I graduated, I had the incredible opportunity to work for the college for 2 years, learning so much under Pat and Amanda Antcliff, Pam Borrow, and the team, working as Pat’s PA and running the C3 Night College.

In January 2014, I knew it was time to head home.  I was stronger in Him more than I ever had been.  I didn’t know what I exactly would go back to, but I felt equipped. For the first time ever, I felt like the Lord was graduating me from his surgery table, from being hidden away.  I learned what dying to self actually meant and I knew he had built me back up, brand new, in Him. I had a prophetic word that said as I was arriving home someone would be stepping out so I could step in.  I felt like the Lord had prepared me for a new season.  Sure enough, God led me to a church that hired me as their Discipleship School Director (as their Director had just left) and also as the Executive Director of the church.  After 7 ½ years of a beautiful journey in this church, applying all I had encountered from C3, I have just now taken an opportunity to transition back into the business world as a Leadership Consultant, seeing the Lord bring powerful change, opening heaven over earth. I declare I will release Him wherever I am called to go!

C3 College