Brigitte Northover


About Brigitte Northover

  • Artist and Art Director/Curator at Art by B

  • Australia

  • Graduated at College in 2017

  • Visual Arts Stream majoring on Visual Arts

  • I worked as the Art Director and Curator for Ps Phil for two years and I’ve had five exhibitions so far, one of them being in Giverny, France, the hometown of the impressionist Claude Monet

  • @artbyb_me

Creativity has always been part of my life. I trained as a designer and I’ve enjoyed drawing since I was a child. I started to make art with my father. He was a French teacher and he used to do sculpture and listen to classical music while marking his students’ assignments. Drawing next to my Dad was always a special moment, and I didn’t understand at the time the preciousness of the creative bond between him and me.

Later in life, I lost one of my sons. Worship was the way to recovery. I enrolled at College wanting to worship and the only way I knew how, was to draw and paint. Painting always positions me humbly before the creator of the universe. I confess to Him, I exchange thoughts with Him and in the process, I receive presence that brings answers. The infilling presence of God weighing on every gap and malfunction of the human soul, body and spirit carries healing.

I believe that creativity is the process required to resolve any physical or emotional problem to the point of redemption. Creativity is the drive that emerges to thrive and I think that it is connected to grace, talent and, most of all, to the conviction that God is good.

During my third year at College I began to express through visuals some of my deepest emotions and I gradually released more of the grief tucked inside of me. As people came to the exhibition, countless of them cried just at the sight of the work.

This was a catalyst for me. I realised then what I am called to. At the core of my practice is a constant reminder that beauty is given for ashes. Ashes are loss, they are at times excruciating, they leave gouging wounds in the soul for an unknown amount of time. Beauty, the presence of God, goes beyond pain, torture, grief and sorrow. Such is my offering to the human heart, the gift of beauty through my craft.

C3 College